Wednesday 21 February 2007

Hot Fuzz Review

Well after my pant wetting anticipation I've gotta say that Hot Fuzz was a little disappointing. Most of the most quotable lines were inspired by/transplanted from Spaced and Shaun, there's over reliance on the (admittedly large) amusement to be garnered from the word 'cunt' and most of the funniest bits were shown in the trailers. I disagree with most reviewers that the film starts well and gets worse. The beginning is exposition heavy and misses some opportunities for 'action man in wallace and gromit' hilairity but as the relationship between Danny and Nick builds the film gets better and better. As Empire said Nick Frost takes this movie and runs away it, chomping screen as he goes, Danny is instantly loveable as a big teddy bear but also as your mate who has the biggest DVD collection and is always willign to be laughed at. For me the best thing about this film is the brilliant homages, like Shaun it loves the films its lampooning, nods to Point Break, Goodfellas, Bad Boys (1 and 2), Chinatown and Revenge of the Sith are perfectly weighted and never over played. Wright (and Pegg, who I'm sure gets involved in a fair bit of the directing) know that the camera circling two slightly uncool British bobbies Bruckheimer style is enough, the audience is clever enough to get the joke without beating us round the head with it. The never mentioned but but often alluded to romance between Danny and Nick is perfect, never explicit (a lesser, 'Scary Movie' style, US version would have had them kissing at some point), but suitably homoerotic.

As you can see the more I think about it the more I like this film, the sopporting cast is fantastic, especially Tim Dalton and Paddy Considine, some of the jokes are brilliant and honestly three days later I can't remember any of the rubbish bits and I the good bits keep playing.

So in 'probably-could-have-predicted-this-the-moment-they-annouced-the-film' conclusion - Hot Fuzz is great, you'll be quoting it for years to come, it'll take a privileged place in your DVD collection, you'll watch it with mates on post pub evenings and you won't be able to stop saying 'By the power of Grayskull' but, its not as good as Shaun. Bring on the next one I say.

I have only one link today and it is this - a trailer for run, fat boy, run - which is an upcoming flick starring Simon Pegg and directed by David Schwimmer... so its kinda apt. Actually while you're at it go to the Apple Trailers site and watch the trailers for 300, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and Simpsons... they is all good.

Thursday 15 February 2007

Woohoo first ones here!

Ok, this is my blog where I get to talk about the less high-minded stuff that interest me, this will include, Lindsay Lohan's snatch, comics, movies, Britney Spears' snatch, music, gigs, some TV stuff and most importantly Jessica Beal's arse.

For this first post I would like to talk about the awesomeness of 'Heroes' which is yet to reach the hallowed shores of the UK but can be found at Pirate Bay. Its brilliant, I really want to say its the best thing to happen to sci-fi tv since Buffy and I'm fairly confident of that. I am completely in love with most of the characters, Claire (the cheerleader) seems to treat every incident of her power with same kind of disdain that is normally reserved for someone who wears the same outfit as her, Hiro (the Jap) is just fucking amazing and acts like I would if I had superpowers - as if it was an issue of Spiderman, Nikki/Jessica (the pornstar) are wicked, Nikki is utterly bemused and Jessica is pure, ride-you-to-death sexy evilness, several of the other characters are yet to come into their own as yet but it does include the awesome Greg Grunberg (from Alias) as Matt which makes me very very happy. If you are completely unaware the show is a kind of X-Men type thing with a whole bunch of unconnected people who are discovering they have 'abilities', there's a shadowy government organisation, an unstoppable super-villain and a bomb in New York in the future. One of the best things about it is that unlike Lost it seems to have direction - I'm not sure where a second series is gonna come from but I'm looking forward to seeing them try - every scene establishes one of the disparate story threads or characters a little more and by the end of each episode you know justa leeeettle more about what's going on - I've watch 6 episodes and I'm still not sure what Nikki's 'power' actually is. I also love the way that the makers trust you to understand that you're not always going to know quite what's going on, or even where in the chronology it happens (there's a fair bit of fucking with timelines) and that you'll trust them to bring it all together in the end.

Oh and I have a massive man-crush on the impossibly beautiful, incredible voiced Mohinder Suresh played by Sendhil Ramamurthy.

Just another couple of things - check out these bands:
Frank Turner

I currently love these comics:
Desolation Jones
Bullet Points

And I am almost wetting myself at the prospect of seeing Hot Fuzz - read the Empire review

Peas out.